Started Quantum Jumping audio course from Burt Goldman

Discovered Burt Goldmans Quantum Jumping course while doing googling quantum consciousness.

Despite the cliched internet sales pitch approach, I recognized quickly that Burt is on to something. He elegantly combines alpha state meditation and self hynosis, NLP, channeling, and quantum physics into a very marketable idea.

I didn't have too many issues buying his $127 digital platinum addition, which for six CDs worth of audio files downloadable to my iPhone seemed fairly priced.
The concept revolves around Quantum Jumping in Alternate Universes.  Which is a little like channelling, which my wife is into based on the work on Nina Farrell. Although I've dabbled a bit with challening, the overly estoreic angels, beings of light and extremely mystical new agey beliefs are a lot of overhead to process for my more scientific mindset.

Burt Goldmans concepts seem a lot more aligned with the Quantum mechanical view of the universe that my own Touching Infinity Meditation is based on.

The digital addition downloads courtesy of an portal company for self development materials called MindValley. Mind Valley is also very nice site, cleaning put together with that typical Mac based visual aesthetic.

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