Hanging out in the God field is very nice

At the quantum level, or so called 'God Field', quantum physics tells us that the smallest particles are in a constant state of flux. They exist in a infinite number of possible locations simutaneously, and only appear to be in existance when consciousness is observing. Only then do the particles appear to the observer to be still.

How does this information change our view of reality? It suggest that if we can master observing at the quantum level, the act of observation is not looking at what is already there, it is bringing the thing being observed into existance.

These ideas challenge our very idea of what reality is and isn't. They challenge our idea of God if you have one. In fact, maybe God is only God becuase he/she/it is creating only at the quantum level. When you are constantly in a state of being everything that is, at all time, across all time in space, you are God. From this God state, observing something is the same as creating something. Whatever you observe begins to create as reality. No wonder God is so productive. A couple of billion years of observation and quite a lot would have created, wouldn't it...

How do we apply this to our lives? What does observing and creating at the quantum level feel like? The purpose of the Touching Infinity Meditation is to systematically bring you to an understanding of what the timeless/dimensionless/everyness of the God field is like.

Now, hanging out in the God field is very nice. For many meditators, it is the ultimate goal of many years or even decades of meditation. My own experiences with the God field, such as the poem Dimensionless space, silent bliss were the inspiration for this blog.

Since release of the film 'What the Bleep do we Know', more and more clarity has been occurring regarding the understanding of quantum physics as it relates to pragmatic reality creation. What the bleep suggested that we may be able to use the nature of quantum reality to solidfy reality from possibility in order to actually create what we want in out lives.

Imagine: whatever you shift your attention/observing energy to has the experience of being completely real. There is no pause, no doubt, no wondering if you are powerful enough, you energy is the right frequency. Just observe/create. Observe/create. Observe/create.

If you are reading this, chances are high that you are familiar with the Law of Attraction. Most recently popularised by the DVD 'The Secret'. And here is the secret about The Secret - the law of attraction is an application of creation from the God field of consciousnesss using the nature of observation to manifest reality. Once you start manifesting reality, it will attact similar reality particles/thought forms/vibrations/whatever with it. It's a snowball, that starts off with you ability to observe something into existance in the quantum field.

Much of the frustration that comes with viewing 'The Secret' comes from the fact that the movie itself is strong on metaphor and inspiring vision, but doesn't give a lot of terms of concreate techiques.

So how do we go about fine tuning our clarity of observation to the point where our observation is creating reality at the quantum level, by solidifying possibility into the probability called existance.

We start with some sort of daily meditation practice, to quiet the mind and increase our mental willpower and clarify to the point where can reliably experience the God field - dimensionless, timeless space that permeates all physical matter, mental experience and reality itself.

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